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About Mel

Hey I'm Mel and I'm so glad you stopped by my little corner of the Internet! My husband and I reside in Lincoln, Nebraska where we're building up our domestic church with our two kiddos. On the days I'm not holding my camera, you can find me holding one (or both) of my children while most likely trying to perform another task (mom lyfe amirite?!). 


But seriously, I love quality time with my husband and our little family, listening to Podcasts, being outside, and taking naps. Send me an email, I would LOVE to hear from you!

Why I do what I do.

When I was senior in college, a friend had given me a copy of  St. John Paul II's Letter To Artists. As someone who was about to earn a degree in broadcasting and visual media and had a hobby in photography, I was captivated John Paul's exhortation to all artists that are called to restore beauty and hope through the work they create. A couple years later, this led me to answer God's call to help reveal the mystery and sanctity of marriage and family life through wedding and lifestyle photography. 


This year marks my eighth year as a wedding photographer and I can genuinely say I don't see my work as just a "job". God has placed this call, this vocation, on my heart to use my gifts and talents to share with my clients and the world. It's truly an honor to be able to photograph couples as they receive the Sacrament of Marriage and begin the adventure of a lifetime!

My Patrons &Significant Details


St. Veronica


St. Zélie Martin


Roses + Lace

Catholic tradition holds that St. Veronica saw Jesus carrying the Cross on the way to His Crucifixion. She was compelled to give Him her veil so He could wipe his face. Returning it to her, His face was imprinted on the veil.  She is the patron of photographers.

A wedding bouquet including roses and tied together with a piece of lace. This is a tribute to my daughter, Rita Rose and a nod to lacemaker St. Zélie Martin.

The mother to St. Thérèse and 8 other children, St. Zélie was an incredible wife, mother, and all-around boss-lady. She too was a small business owner as a fine lace-maker and used the income to help support her family. 

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